Showing 21–40 of 196 results
Allan Adler Handcrafted Sterling Flatware Service for 12 Sunset Pattern
American Art Deco Crystal Container w/ Sterling & Enamel
Antique Polychromed Angel w/ Hector Aguilar Case
Architectural Art Deco Clock by Lawson
Architectural Steamline Moderne Lawson Clock
Art Deco “Centennial” Bookends in Brass and Bakelite
Art Deco Beau Brownie Camera
Art Deco Black World Globe with Airplane Base
Art Deco Bohemian Crystal Decanter & 6 Matching Lowball Glasses
Art Deco Eight Day Clock by Le Coultre
Art Deco Mirrored and Reverse Painted Frame
Art Deco Nude and Elephant Vase by Edouard CazauxÂ
Art Deco Rosewood Clock Gilbert Rohde for Herman Miller
Art Deco Sterling and Etched Crystal Cocktail Shaker
Art Deco Sterling Vase by C. G. Hallberg
Art Deco Vedette Smoke Mirror Clock
Arts & Architecture, 1945-1954 Taschen Complete Reprint 10 Volumes
Astronomical Art Deco Paperweight Clock by Westclock
Bakelite & Nickel Skyscraper Striker Lighter
Bernard Rice Shadow Ardt Champagne Cooler