Fusion Structure by Claire Falkenstein
Fusion Structure by Claire Falkenstein
This fine example of an abstract Fusion Structure by Claire Falkenstein was created in the 1960’s. The poured bottle green glass creates a dramatic contrast with the patinated welded copper tubing. Claire Falkenstein was one of California’s revered woman abstract artists with a varied career including teaching, painting and the creation of abstract metal structures in the form of fountains, doors and kinetic sculptures often large enough to adourn several California College Campuses and other public spaces and sometimes small enough to be worn as jewelry. This piece is in fine original condition.
Height 10 in. (25.4 cm)
Width 21in. (53.3 cm)
Depth 10 in. (25.4 cm)
Category: Sold
Tags: abstract woman artist, California artist, Claire Falkenstein Fusion Structure, Claire Falkenstein sculpture, glass and welded copper structure